Understanding Time Poverty Is Key in Addressing Climate Change

Deepti Kannapan
Age of Awareness
4 min readJun 1, 2023


Recently, I’ve been noticing that the more sustainable/climate-conscious lifestyle option in our existing society is often the slower one. This means that ‘busyness’ or time poverty is a major barrier to the adoption of behavior changes to address climate change.

It’s important to address these barriers, because behavior changes like changing purchasing decisions, household behaviors, travel habits, and diet are necessary. (In concert with market, policy, and cultural changes — they all build on each other.)

For example, I started taking public transport again, for the first time in years. I noticed how it changed the structure of my entire day. Not only did I have to plan around the bus schedule and factor in a longer commute time, but the addition of a walk to the bus-stop and people-watching opportunities made the day feel much slower and calmer.

There are other changes I’d like to make: shopping at farmer’s markets. Cooking more of my meals. Walking or biking places. Taking the train instead of flying. In each case, time is the main constraint.

I’m determined to find a way, because I enjoy these activities more than the modern quick-easy-packaged-default alternative. The problem is that these options are not available to most people.

What is time poverty?



Deepti Kannapan
Age of Awareness

Painter, occasional cartoonist, aerospace engineer. Writes about sustainable technology, creativity, and journaling.