Use Your Body Posture To Influence People

‘’Power Posing’’ is the psychological ‘’Fake It Till You Make It’’

Chrissie Powers
Age of Awareness


Photo by Napat Saeng on Unsplash

Have you thought about what is behind Superman's power poses?

Imagine a nervous candidate at a job interview. Her arms cling to her body, her hand — half-hiding her mouth. She has made herself look small.


Now imagine a confident job applicant. Her body is in a comfortable position, elbows away from her sides. She is happy with the amount of space she takes. Her head is up; her eyes — looking straight. She exhibits positive energy.

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

What Is The Catch?

  • The first woman appears of low confidence, holding herself inferior. She does not appear as someone you would jump to give a job to.
  • The second candidate is a different story. She appears confident as if she trusts herself. Employers feel they can trust her, too.



Chrissie Powers
Age of Awareness

I can teach you how words speak to the mind and soul. Feeding on words all of my life. I write about everything. I write unique.