Using generative AI to gain knowledge, insight, and wisdom — and design a better version of your life
You are a designer and have always been one.
In this article, I will describe how Generative AI could be used to develop knowledge, insight, and wisdom to design a better version of your life.
Everybody is a designer.
I say wholeheartedly as everybody needs to work on their life.
…the greatest design of all time.
Generative AI
And generative AI is an excellent tool for some applications and a terrible choice for others.
The trick is choosing wisely.
But turns out wisdom is the highest rank you can reach —
The wise one is the best designer of one’s life.
How will we get there?
What is good design?
There are -of course- good and bad designs.
But we all want to reach that good design before it is too late.
That is why we struggle to find answers, set courses in the simplest form, and be healthy and happy.
That has been said; life keeps unfolding as a painful and joyful meandering.