Waking Up In A Zombie Apocalypse
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Why are zombie movies so compelling?
Maybe they represent the fear of the unknown. Or maybe they represent our obsession with complete societal collapse.
Or maybe they’re just mindless (HA) entertainment.
But maybe, just maybe, they reflect and speak to a very real phenomenon that’s happening all around us.
Albeit instead of a slow (often fast), entranced march for MEEEAAT, it’s a slow (often fast), entranced scroll for MEEMEEES.
Okay, I enjoy a good meme as much as the next person (and meat, non-human). And let’s be realistic, the following theory is based on absolutely nothing.
However, more and more I find myself able to identify with zombies from shows like The Last Of Us.
Sometimes weird forces take control of me and make me do things I don’t wanna do.
Sometimes I’m obsessed with a thing and run head-first toward it without any awareness of what’s going on around me.
And sometimes I just smell bad.
But seriously, within all of us exists the capacity to become well and truly zombified.