Waldorf Schools Are Inherently Racist Cults

Or, why I wouldn’t drink the kool-aid.

Jennifer Sapio, PhD
Age of Awareness
Published in
9 min readJun 13, 2020


Photo by Kerensa Pickett on Unsplash

Waldorf schools exist all over the world, and they are especially popular in progressive communities in the United States, such as Green Meadow, New York; Denver, Colorado; Chicago, Illinois; and San Francisco, California. However, after accepting a faculty position at a Waldorf school, I very soon observed a disconnect between what parents understand is being offered by the school and what teachers are discussing inside the faculty meetings.

Parents are told about a “holistic approach to child development,” in which students do handwork, play string instruments, and study cultures from around the world. Many families are drawn to the focus on interpersonal relationships, on the arts, and the festival life. The average family enrolled at a Waldorf school probably doesn’t know much about the founder of the movement, Rudolf Steiner, his “anthroposophical” beliefs based on “spiritual science,” or his writings which range from philosophical ideas disputing contemporary psychology and physics, to travelogues detailing trips to other planets.

When I was hired, I knew nothing about Rudolf Steiner, his writings, his spiritual understandings, or the anthroposophical foundations of the pedagogy practiced at the school. I was…



Jennifer Sapio, PhD
Age of Awareness

Writer. Teacher. Human. Bylines: Sonder Midwest; The Write Launch; Raw Art Review; Chattahoochee Review, WSR, and E3W (forthcoming). contact:jennisapio.com