Want to Read More Books in 2020? Listen.

Caitlin R. Weiner
Age of Awareness
Published in
4 min readJan 20, 2020


Like many a literary nerd, I was a long time elitist when it came to how I consumed books. For me, it had always been physical, paper books, or nothing. I’ve spoken to other book dorks such as myself (mostly other holders of English degrees), and I was not alone in this stance. “There’s just nothing like holding the pages between your fingers and feeling the weight of the book,” is a defense I’ve definitely used. And “I really like to write notes in the margins,” is another one I’ve heard a lot. We, as a group, tend to be big fans of the smell of books, as well. Regardless of your defense of exclusive physical book consumption, I hope I can help open your mind to the idea of audiobooks. I did, and I have never been a happier nerd.

It will up your book count

Due to my stubbornness about reading only physical books, the only time I had to actually read was in the evenings before bed, when it’s often hard to focus, or maybe on my lunch break, which is barely enough time to dig into a good book before I have to go back to work. As a result, my book count for a long time was far below my personal standards, and if you’re anything like me, a low book count is a devastating feeling.

I began to open my mind to alternative ways to consume books that would allow me to do so at other times during the day. I have a…

