We Are Living in the Most Well-Documented Era in History

Vidhya Parvathy
Age of Awareness
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2021


Photo by Kate Oseen on Unsplash

Recall what you learned in the history classes at school.

Wasn’t it mostly about kings coming to power, wars, colonisations, ships, egos of leaders, policies, and treaties?

Yes, they are relevant. And yes, many historic milestones have been removed or modified in academic textbooks globally, depending on how they affected the privileged class of each nation.

Either way, not much is spoken about the common people.

We know a lot about the pharaohs of Egypt, but not about the people who actually toiled to build those pyramids.

There is very little accurate information about what life was like for a common man in ancient Greece, Rome, or England. We are left to trust the novels, journals, and historic records that were written in those eras. Most of these documents seldom spoke about the commoners. Even if it did, it was not written by a commoner and hence not from a commoner’s perspective.

The lion and the deer will have two different versions of the hunting story to tell. Both will be right, but both will be different perspectives.

Anne Frank’s diaries give an honest and accurate account of the hiding life during the world…

