What Aspects You Need To Consider When You Write a Children’s Book

Fewer words, less work? The deceptiveness behind writing a children’s book.

Stewart O Dunn
Age of Awareness
Published in
7 min readFeb 4, 2020


Many people have this thought, and I admittedly had it at one point in my life as well: “Writing a children’s book is easy”, or “Writing a children’s book is easier than writing another type of book”.

This isn’t true. I’m not saying it’s particularly more difficult, but the assumption that anyone can do it is wrong. Some reasons why writing a children’s book may be considered “easy/easier” are the same reasons that make it tough to do. Other reasons are just aspects many don’t consider when thinking about the complexities involved in the process.

Here are reasons writing a children’s book is messier than one may think:

Illustration collaboration

I’ve written in-depth about the variety of relationship dynamics there are for authors and illustrators. My article also discusses the importance of an illustration in the formation of your final creative piece.

The majority of books adults pick up only have illustrations on the cover. Some authors dish out tons of money for the perfect cover. Because let’s be honest, we…



Stewart O Dunn
Age of Awareness

A Kentucky girl living the tropical life in Central America. I’m a children’s book author, self-publishing coach, and lover of all things literary.