What I learnt about life from gardening

Surabhi Bhatnagar
Age of Awareness


Story of my first gardening experience. All photos shot in my little balcony garden :)

On Tough decisions

From the hydrangea whose large sick greens I chopped, even though they’re all it had back then.

Some tough decisions hurt. They will, but they’re needed.
Months later, it is now bursting with many healthy fresh leaves like nobody’s business!

On the left: Hydrangea with sick greens about to be pruned, On the right: Full of life 2 months later…

On cleansing

From the weekly weed removal routines

Weed out. Bad habits, bad people, bad versions of yourself.
Only then will life get a chance to pop it’s mighty little head through the free soil.

On finding a way

From the explosive fern that grew out from everywhere oblivious to the confines of it’s pot

Find a way. Nature does.
Boundaries can be circumvented and the balance is always dynamic.

The explosive fern who knew no boundaries and the rose that refused to bloom

On Rejection

From the rose that never bloomed despite the care I took

Sometimes, rejection is all I got despite my best efforts.
The rose wasn’t for us, as we weren’t for her.

On Patience

From the experience of sowing seeds and the painful wait

Some seeds sprout, some won’t.
Only time can tell. Prodding not.

New Saplings: Spinach, tomato, french beans and lettuce. Spinach didn’t make it, and only 5 tomato plants sprouted in the entire planter

On Compassion

From tending to plants in my balcony

Sometimes, giving is getting.
Witnessing the inception of life is a fulfilling end in itself, as is pruning their dry leaves, tilling and sprinkling water on them with bare hands…

On many a slow mornings, this new-found routine of mine got me out of bed in anticipation. Sometimes I even make them listen to spiritual chants in the morning, while I have my morning chai :)

Brahmi and mint, the first two herbs I planted, 2 months back

On investments in time

(Contributed by a friend)

Nothing tells us about the value of timely investment as well as the mango tree that bears fruit.

Are you planting your mango trees yet? :)

