What Made Apple’s 1984 Advert So Successful?

A brief history of a tech companies marketing strategy

Chris McQueen
Age of Awareness


Photo of the Apple Logo
Photo by Laurenz Heymann on Unsplash

These days, Superbowl ads are often better than the game itself. With costs of $5.6 million for 30 seconds of view time, halftime ad slots are the most expensive spaces to advertise in the world.

In 1984, Apple spent $1 million on a 60-second spot that premiered at the Superbowl.

Luckily, the ad was a winner, as all the local cinemas and TV stations showcased the unique ad. Within 100 days, Apple sold 72,000 computers.

Apple’s masterpiece went on to win the best Super Bowl spot in 40 years and was awarded among the greatest commercials ever made.

How did Apple, a nobody in the IT world, manage to disrupt an entire industry?

Part of this answer boils down to Scott Ridley directing the one-minute clip. So here’s what the audience got to see from their seats in the stadium.

A Masterpiece For The Revolution



Chris McQueen
Age of Awareness

Writer on Productivity and Life-Hack topics. Believer in the word of God. Get your motivation for the week: https://chris-mcqueen.ck.page