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What To Do When People Say You Haven’t Changed

3 Steps To Implement Change When You’ve Finally Decided To

Tchassa Kamga
Published in
8 min readFeb 10, 2020


When I think about any potential high-school reunion, a little dread bubble rises up my head. It’s been years since I saw many of my school mates. Some are now parents, further along in their careers. Some have been through life-altering events: losing their spouses, parents. Others are no longer with us.

High-school was difficult for me, but only in hindsight. While I was there, I met some of my best friends, met my wife, discovered my love for literature and failed my way to where I am today. I wouldn’t change a thing.

Except for the comments I used to get when I’d reconnect with my classmates who ‘d say I haven’t changed one bit.

That used to bother me.

For some reason, whenever someone says that about me, I think it’s supposed to be a compliment about how I still have my same sense of humor or childlike view of most mundane events. Often, after the conversation, I wonder if that’s a good thing. That after over 15 years, I haven’t changed much.

The harsh version of this comment is when a parent tells a child in anger that they’ll never change or that they’re exactly like their father or mother, hence doomed to replicate their bad decisions…



Tchassa Kamga
Age of Awareness

I write about faith, family, and finance. Sharing my perspective and learnings along the way.