What you’re looking for is what is looking

Geoff Ward
Age of Awareness
Published in
11 min readMar 11, 2022


The lotus flower: symbol of healing, self-regeneration and rebirth.

‘The human mind is the consummate and undisputed world champion of division, duality and separation’. Pathik Strand

As the tragedy of international events continues to show, the world’s madness will continue as long as we define ourselves as separate entities, as egos, belonging to a particular race, religion, nation, family, political or social group, or we think of ourselves in terms of career, accomplishments, personal talents or similar.

What we are, at the most fundamental level, has nothing to do with any of these things, writes Pathik Strand in his visionary work Flowering into Awareness: A spiritual manifesto for the 21st century (O-Books, UK £11.99 / US $18.95, January 2022): ‘Our true nature is that of pure, luminous, limitless, impersonal universal consciousness.’

Understanding this has the potential to change one’s life in profound and unexpected ways, and to transform life on Earth for the better, says Strand, a Norwegian but resident in the UK; the full flowering of our potential, in fact our ultimate destiny, depends precisely on the dawning of this realisation.

Enlightenment cannot be achieved by the person, the individual, the separate entity. It can flower only when the seeker, the meditator, the ego (the ‘makeshift identity’), realises that a strictly personal identity is a…



Geoff Ward
Age of Awareness

Writer, journalist, book editor, poet, musician and tutor in literature and creative writing (MA and BA Hons degrees in English literature).