Photo by Taylor Wilcox on Unsplash

When To Ask

How to know when to ask for help

Leslie Pardew
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2021


I see this often. Two teams are faced with the same challenge. Both teams are equally intelligent. They both have the same resources available to them. They both have the same time limits. One team succeeds. The other team flounders and fails. What is the difference?

The difference between success and failure often comes down to knowing when to ask for help.

I remember my first job out of school. I had worked extremely hard to impress my employer that I knew what I was doing and had the skills to do the job. I remember sitting down at my desk and having no idea what I was supposed to do. The thought ran through my mind, “If I ask for help, will they think I’m incompetent? Will they think I’m not right for the job?”

Luckily for me, my coworker recognized my apprehension and helped me through those first few awkward days. He did it without me having to ask him. He was a great relief to me, and we became great friends. I often wonder what would have happened, had he not been there.

Knowing when to ask for help isn’t easy. At work and in life we all need help. Whether it is starting a new job, raising a family, trying to learn a new language, or learning to have peace in our lives. There are thousands of places that we can use a little extra help. What stops us from…



Leslie Pardew
Age of Awareness

I am an artist, designer, author, and entrepreneur who has a few things to share about life, art and business.