Where My Teacher Mind Went When Given Early Access to Dall-E 2

Generating realistic images from a text description is a reverse Rorschach inkblot test

Russell Eveleigh
Age of Awareness


Dall.E Prompt “Stressed teacher in a field, linocut”
Dall-E prompt “Stressed teacher in a field, linocut”

I was recently granted early access to Dall-E 2, proclaimed on the Open AI website as the “New AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language”.

I have watched enough episodes of Black Mirror to know where this might lead, and I know that there are some meaty ethical issues to consider too, but my 21st century teacher brain, habituated to the motion of underthinking the eventual impact of blind acceptance of interesting new technology, fizzed with surreal and abstract textual prompts.

I should have started by reading the official prompt book

The longest running radio show in the UK is ‘Just a minute’. The premise is that players must speak for one minute on any subject asked of them without hesitation, repetition or deviation. I dived into Dall-E in the same manner, with a full unmediated stream of consciousness:

A teacher sitting on an infectious disease wearing a face mask surrounded by inspectors



Russell Eveleigh
Age of Awareness

A school teacher and family man in the UK who likes tinkering with code and who sometimes tries to write good.