This is how organizations can grow better bosses

There’s an epidemic of weak leadership—and organizations can break the cycle by building and rewarding “soft” skills

Betsy Boehm Bland
Age of Awareness


A star wants to see herself rise to the top. A leader wants to see those around her become stars. -Simon Sinek

I’ve been lucky to have had some amazing bosses throughout my career. However, I’ve also experienced bad ones — and seen the magnitude of their negative impact. Weak bosses can crush innovation, health, passion, and more. In fact, employees who have managers they didn’t like were 60% more likely to suffer a heart attack.

Weak bosses are a widespread problem:

Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash



Betsy Boehm Bland
Age of Awareness

Product Experience Team Lead and Designer | Mission Driven, User-Focused