Why Do Kids Eat Boogers?

We do strange things to learn who we are.

Paul Ledford
Age of Awareness


Photo by Luke Southern on Unsplash

Why were we so fascinated with picking our noses when we were kids? You’d put your finger in your nose and pull out a slimy green gooey booger.

Up until about age 3 or 4, it would go straight into your mouth. After being told “Stop picking your nose!” about 100 times, you’d look around for a few seconds, and then it would go straight into your mouth.

One day you realized how disgusting it is to eat boogers, and you’d look for places to discard them. Under the sofa, roll it up and flick it across the room, or wipe it on your pants and forget about it.

Then we move on to bigger and better things. Backflips off diving boards, dating people our parents disapprove of, quitting the school band, or maybe even starting a heavy metal band.

Why do we have the urge to do these things?

1. Explore our body

Austrian lung specialist, Professor Friedrich Bischinger says that people who pick their noses are happier, healthier, and better in-tune with their bodies. He says it helps strengthen your immune system.

At some point, we grow out of this stage and experiment in other ways with our bodies. We masturbate, shave different parts of our bodies, get tattoos…



Paul Ledford
Age of Awareness

From Alabama but based in Japan, I write to help people create healthier, more fulfilling, and more productive lives. pauljledford@yahoo.com