Why Do So Many People Hate School?

This doesn’t seem right. Isn’t learning amongst the most beautiful things in life?

Erik P.M. Vermeulen, PhD
Age of Awareness


Photo courtesy of author

“Did you hate school? I know I did.”

I was asked this question last week. And it made me think.

I didn’t hate school. But I don’t want to call it a fun experience either. It was a mandatory stage of life. Something I had to go through. The diplomas and degrees were necessary to open the doors to a career. It was a time of ups and downs. Probably, more ups, in my case, but I know many people for whom the downs prevailed.

This question is more relevant than ever.

Performance pressure at school (for teachers as well as students) has significantly increased in recent years. I hear too many stories about students suffering from stress due to the workload and the lack of time. Education has succumbed to administrative rules and procedures. It has become a straitjacket that often inhibits experimentation and innovation.

And yet, I remain hopeful.

The fast and forced transition to remote learning has provided us with a unique opportunity to rethink and improve education. We shouldn’t waste this chance.

Schools should be the start of an exciting life-long learning adventure — a…

