Why does my Lemon tree have yellow leaves with green veins, and why does the fruit drop off?

Among the most asked gardening questions are about lemon trees.

Peter Miles
Age of Awareness


Lemons. Image — Wikimedia Commons.

Quick answers, interveinal yellowing is an iron deficiency, (yellow all over is a nitrogen deficiency), apply iron sulphate or iron chelate fertilizer. Don’t hammer an iron nail into the trunk!

Fruit drop is often a symptom of irregular watering, with some soil dryness in between watering.

In practice any plant problem or symptom it is unlikely to be just one factor but several and a knowledge of the plant and its requirements is useful when diagnosing symptoms.

Lemon with interveinal yellowing, in this case soil lime induced chlorosis. Image by author.

Lemons have been grown as an ornamental plant and a fruit tree for many centuries and its origin is not specifically known, it is thought to have come from the north east region of India. The climate there is sub-tropical, this is important to know as it means the lemon is susceptible to cold and poor drainage.

The original wild lemon Citrus limon has been bred by selection to produce useful fruiting varieties. Common varieties include:



Peter Miles
Age of Awareness

45 years in Environmental Science, B.Env.Sc. in Wildlife & Conservation Biology. Writes on Animals, Plants, Soil & Climate Change. environmentalsciencepro.com