Why Everyone Should Learn To Draw And How Schools Can Help

Drawing is an essential communication skill that can serve many purposes

Markus Skårnes
Age of Awareness


When you think about what we need to know when we finish school, you might think of writing or maths. But do you ever think of drawing as something people need to know?

Drawing is often glossed over as something you do to pass the time. If you have excellent drawing skills, you’re praised. However, students who spend precious school time doodling are often chastised for trying to develop these skills. We need to change how we think about drawing.

Drawing helps you explain concepts, illustrate new ideas, create new designs, and communicate thoughts in ways words can’t. And schools can easily integrate drawing with the rest of what students learn.

Why is drawing important?

Drawing is a communication device, just like writing. Humans have communicated through drawings for over 70,000 years. A picture doesn’t always say more than a thousand words, but sometimes it does. Whether you plan to work as a writer, an engineer, or a chef, there are times when drawing could come in handy.

I’m not saying that everyone needs to become Van Gogh, but a basic command of shape, perspective, and…



Markus Skårnes
Age of Awareness

I write about Writing, Self-Improvement, Music, etc. Not writing as actively here as I used to, but I might publish something once in a while.