Why I “Hate” Consultants (the Real Leaders of the World)

Any why, as a teacher, I am part of the solution

Erik P.M. Vermeulen, PhD
Age of Awareness


Photo courtesy of author

“Who runs the world?”

I asked my wife this question last week. She responded instantly. “Girls” she shouted, referring to Beyoncé’s song about female empowerment: Run the World (Girls).

She started singing.

“My persuasion

Can build a nation

Endless Power

With our love we can devour

You’ll do anything for me.”

She made some of the typical Beyoncé moves to emphasize her answer — only the wind machine was missing.

My wife’s response got me thinking. Beyoncé is right. Real power comes from persuasion. The ability to convince others to do what you want.

“You’ll do anything for me.”

But then there’s “devour.” There is always some danger in being persuaded. The danger of being eaten alive.

And these two words — “persuasion” and “devour” — were a perfect match to my answer to this question. It’s pretty clear to me who really “run” the world: The Consultants.

Run the World (Consultants)

