
Why I Want to Retire as a Lecturer

Tavian Jean-Pierre
Age of Awareness
6 min readAug 24, 2021


Photo by Miguel Henriques on Unsplash

I never expected to be writing an article like this one. Almost all of my life, I have been told to avoid anything to do with teaching. My parents would always tell me it was not good pay and my peers found it uninspiring.

When I was 17, I met someone who wanted to be a primary school teacher. We were in the same class together and spent a lot of our time talking in groups. However, she would often remain quiet when we spoke about our life plans. For some strange reason, she would always deflect the question.

Eventually, she opened up to me over lunch and told me she wanted to be a primary school teacher. She loved children and did not want to come across as dumb for doing so. After all, everyone else wanted to become lawyers, doctors and engineers.

I still did not understand why, but I believed each to their own and carried on with my day. It was never something I wanted to do because everyone in my life had discouraged it.

They always said things like:

  • The marking would be boring
  • You would have to deal with disrespectful students
  • You would be teaching the same things over and over again

Now, at 21 years of age, my whole perspective has changed. In all honesty…



Tavian Jean-Pierre
Age of Awareness

Founder of the Better Conversations Podcast | Inspiring a better future | Producing insights on leadership, innovation, economics and entrepreneurship