Why Intelligent People Are Most Likely Not Successful

Renaz Kisa
Age of Awareness
Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2022
Albert Einstein

Being intelligent is sometimes a gift or a curse. Intelligent people struggle with the path to success, because they are sometimes sabotaging themselves. What these intelligent people are not aware of, is the fact that it is a habit they live with which they can change over time.

Have you ever asked yourself, what has happended to the brightest kid in your high school? Well they are either doing well or most likely they struggle with their careers.

Maybe you have noticed how intelligent students in your high school struggled with building connection with their students, avoiding confrotation and devote their time to other things.

If you have noticed how intelligent people struggle here are 5 problems intelligent people have to face over time:

First, intelligent people do not invest their time into building relationships with their co-workers at workplace. They therefore solely rely on their intellect for their success, but do not realize that building a relationship is also key to being part in a successful environment.

Most intelligent people are told throughout childhood that being smart is the only way out of their circumstances and therefore experience success from a young age.

It is a habit they have built from an early age on and they devout their time on being intellectual adults. How can an intelligent person overcome this?

Try to identify three behaviors which could boost your social skills at workplace.

Steve Jobs working with Steve Wozniak on Apple 2

Second, intelligent people get frustated easily. Once they work in a group project and they realize that not everybody is going at the speed to perform their work, they make their life’s automatically more difficult, also they develop a sense that they can do their work better than instead of dividing their tasks at work.

Therefore, do not understimate the power of a group, try to understand how to be patient with people.

Thirdly, the self-esteem of intelligent people solely relys on their intelligence, but what happens if they meet more intelligent people than they do? Then usually they will not feel intelligent enough and become defensive to avoid conflict.

How to improve this is simply being open to constructive feedback, it will help you and you will also build solid relationships, when being open to critics.

Kennedy a great peoples person

Fourth, intelligent people get bored to fast. Being intelligent is difficult, especially when they spend their time executing the same process over and over again. Executing the same process might bore you and you would like to try new things, but this can be a waste of time than finding a niche and being specialized in it.

Find a hobby, try to have a different lifestyle instead of repeating the same process over and over again. Remember you are a human being not a machine.

Lastly, intelligent people try to find a profound solution for an easy problem. For example doing over-researching about every decision and take a look at every mistake. When on the other hand an easy approach might be the better solution.

Once you find yourself overthinking about a problem, disrupt it by starting another activity like going for a walk.

Which of these problems do you identify yourself with?

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