Why Should We Raise Better Readers?

Myelin`s quick insights and free resources to get your children reading!

Age of Awareness
4 min readJun 2, 2021


Reading skills | myelin.co.in

Dr. Seuss is one of the most quoted and celebrated children`s authors today.

His work has entertained hundreds of children, teens and adults to read, imagine and get inspired!

In 2017, the NOP World Culture Score Index published a report on world reading habits. Surprisingly, India ranked 1st in the list. The survey showed that the average Indian population reads over 10 hours per week, followed by Thailand and China.

We would be happy to believe if children in India are devoting their time to read.

But the question is — Are Indian children really reading?

The Indian education system is one of the most effective and competitive in the world. The pros of this are the economic advancements and increasing literacy rates in the country. Indians have known to be scholars, and the same reflects in the modern-day education system.

Contrary to our curriculum and teaching practices, the education system in the west focuses on early reading habits among children. The European and IB schools highly encourage children to read more than writing. However, Indian parents have witnessed kindergartens stressing about holding pencils and writing alphabets from the age of 2, let alone the higher grades in schools.

Unlike our friends in the west, a vast Indian population still resides in rural areas. This is making it difficult to qualify for equal learning opportunities among children.

The ASER report highlights that children from low-income backgrounds struggle to comprehend simple English text in the early schooling years. The primary reason being — lack of language exposure at home and, to some extent, in schools. Exposure to digital mediums, low motivation to buy physical books, lack of encouragement from family are a few other factors.

As much as speech, writing, and listening skills impact a child’s mind, reading contributes a whole lot more. The Cleaveland Clinic recommends that parents should start reading to children as early as infancy. Despite a child not grasping the book’s meaning, reading is a skill that creates life-long learners.

Reading habits & child development | Educational Insights by Myelin | Image Credit: Unsplash

How can we intervene?

Psychologists believe that early developmental skills are essential in a child’s holistic growth and learning journey. It probably does not matter much if the child is reading English or vernacular content.

Essential is to channel his curiosity and engage him/her better.

As Harry Truman says,

Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers; we believe that independent reading aids a child’s psychological and emotional development. It is a small but significant start for a better career!

Incentives of independent reading

1. Enhanced language development

2. Amplified curiosity and engagement

3. Focused learning

4. Improved concentration and vocabulary

In the current scenario, the pandemic is posing new challenges for parents. Lack of access to resources, restricted mobility, online schools and limited reading materials are to name a few.

But learning should never stop! Despite the lockdown, we should help children to be engaged and continue reading. If your child is not interested in reading, help him/her find the right resources to explore his/her interest.

Every child is a reader… It is just a matter of a good book!

Here are a few great free resources that will help your children read at home!

Educational insights by Myelin, Reading and child development | Image Credit: Unsplash
  1. Pratham StoryweaverStoryweaver is one of the best online storybook collection. It brings you curated stories from all regions of India and abroad. Excellent illustrations, simple language and stories across all levels and multiple languages.

2. Book DashThis is a South African social impact initiative. Book Dash encourages every child to read at least 100 stories by the age of 5.

3. Free Children StoriesThis website is a good collection of creative and original stories for different age groups

4. Some cool audiobook apps to explore — Amazon Kindle, Voot Kids and Open Culture have a collection of great assorted audiobooks

Why should we raise better readers?

If children are engaged creatively, they become focused and curious learners. Myelin believes in this very thought. Better readers will grow up as well informed and dynamic adults.

Myelin’s tech is driven by AI and Machine learning that provides intelligent insights into a child’s academic and non-academic interests. This further drives better engagement and helps teachers make guided recommendations.

Read how Myelin`s approach is aligned with the NEP 2020.

If you are interested to know more about how myelin is helping schools to become more efficient, visit: www.myelin.co.in or write to us at info@myelin.co.in

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Age of Awareness

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