Why You Won’t Be The Next Apple

Gregory Cameron
Age of Awareness
Published in
4 min readMay 14, 2020


Image: Apple

I have spent most of my working life in startups. It has been one of the more rewarding experiences in my life, the challenges are plenty and it is always rewarding to watch a company succeed in its own way.

One thing I have noticed however, is that everyone wants the fastest route to success. This is perhaps not surprising as competition is fierce and it is a dog-eat-dog world. This thirst for success can be a great motivator but it can also be blinding.

There is a chase to develop and launch a successful product that explodes onto the market, and often, the prime example given to emulate would be the iPhone.

The iPhone is perhaps one of the most successful products in the past decade. Not only did everyone want one, it completely redefined an industry and changed the world of personal computing devices as we know it.

The first iPhone was a culmination of every Apple innovation up till that point.

Smartphones are everywhere and are impossible to avoid, all because of the success of the iPhone.

This is the kind of success every company is after. Everyone wants to be the next trillion dollar company, the next Apple. Everyone wants to redefine an industry. But everyone wants to do it in the fastest way possible.



Gregory Cameron
Age of Awareness

Content marketing writer by day. Film student by night. Film watcher, book reader, mobile tech enthusiast. Making sense of all things through the written word.