Will Fear of Covid-19 and Loathing of Capitalism Drive Systemic Change?

Capitalism’s shield has been breached — we can now see its soul.

Brad Zarnett
Age of Awareness


Covid-19 Exposed Why Capitalism Is No Match For Public Health & Wellbeing

Texas Lieutenant Governor, Dan Patrick recently said, and I paraphrase, it’s not only OK, it’s good for America to throw granny under the bus to save the economy. Just let that sink in for a moment. What kind of culture would tolerate that kind of thinking. And when I say tolerate I don’t mean tolerate from a legal perspective — I’m referring to the perspective of social norms. The norms that would shame a public figure for uttering such a callous and thoughtless statement.

If that isn’t disturbing enough, I recently saw a picture that was so outrageous that I had to check to see if it was actually true — sadly it was.

Homeless in Las Vegas

Recently in Las Vegas, in an effort to contain Covid-19, the homeless were relocated from a shelter after a resident tested positive for Covid-19. The occupants were placed into a parking lot with paint outlining little 6 foot cubicles to keep these poor souls from infecting each other. They did try to lay down some carpet but when they found that it couldn’t be sterilized they gave up on that idea and provided nothing but concrete.



Brad Zarnett
Age of Awareness

I expose the climate fiction that’s peddled as the truth, and I work everyday to find a way to prevent the worst of climate change.