You Will Receive Criticism in the Comments — Here’s How to Handle it

Writing for discourse, not dictatorship

Kat Kennedy
Age of Awareness


Photo by Victoria Heath

It was a political piece. Some would say that I was asking for it. But nothing I had written was new. The only difference was that I was telling it through my eyes, embellished with anecdotes from my life. So you can imagine that I was quite surprised when my thoughts on the “Invisible America” keeping Trump in power were read and shared thousands of times.

The engagement was excellent. I received plenty of thoughtful comments that were beautifully articulated. The kinds of comments that make me fall in love with Medium time and time again. I was pointed in the direction of prose that would get me probing, theories that would get me thinking, and perspectives that promised to expand my mind. My contribution to the messy spheres of politics and society was far from perfect, but it provided a platform upon which conversations desperate to unfold could occur.

It wasn’t all daisies and rainbows, though. Peppered amongst the well-phrased, thought-provoking discourse from those treading boldly from all walks of life were aggressive notes left by those looking to start a fight, along with patronizing remarks from those who felt they knew me and my deserved place underfoot.



Kat Kennedy
Age of Awareness

Desert dwellin’ third culture kid | PhD student studying sleep and health