4 Signs You Have Princess Syndrome

#3 Every criticism feels like a personal attack to you

Fareeha Arshad
Age of Empathy


Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

“You, my friend, could be experiencing what I like to call the Princess Syndrome,” my best friend, who is also a counselor, revealed to me while slowly sipping her orange juice. It was a bright sunny morning. The breeze that touched my face bore the message of fall just around the corner.

“How could you say that? You know how low maintenance I am! I am anything but a Princess in my head! You, more than anyone else, should know that!” I replied instantaneously. My brain was fuzzing with a stream of questions, but my hurt and indignity overpowered every other emotion. Despite the pleasant weather, I felt anything but.

Am I that demanding, obnoxious, and worst of all — self-centred?

I was hell-bent on believing I was anything but that.

“In our heads, we see ourselves in either of two ways. Either we are hypocritical of ourselves, which results in low self-esteem, cynicism, and pessimism. Or we think highly of ourselves that leads to materialism, egocentrism, and narcissism,” she said, smiling.

She then moved her glass away, leaned forwards to wrap her fingers around mine and continued, “Loving yourself is not a bad thing at all. I am proud of how far you have come and…

