A Bridge to Loving You

A poem

Carolyn Riker
Age of Empathy


Image by Bessi from Pixabay

Acceptance is pushing away
the outside clamor
and learning to listen
ever so kindly
to what’s inside of you.

The color of your skin.
The shape of your nose.
The size you wear.

You are just right.

Keep tasting the flavors of a sunrise.
Let exceptional be your horizon.

Dim down when you need to.
Feed your soul succulent sips of solitude.

Acceptance is a bridge to loving you.

A special thank you to Lucy (the egg girl) for her poem on What is Simplicity? and a new writing prompt, acceptance. Here’s her poem:

Carolyn Riker is a writer, social activist, licensed psychotherapist, a lover of learning & words. Her books are available on Amazon.



Carolyn Riker
Age of Empathy

Carolyn's latest book, The Colors I Hear, is now available!