A Vital Prerequisite

When you claim moral outrage

Ulf Wolf
Age of Empathy
Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2024


Young boy screaming into a microphone…
Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

To me, an often overlooked vital ingredient, especially among those who claim, usually publicly and usually spuriously, to be morally outraged — I’m thinking about the moral-starved television or video talking heads who will not shut up about how morally outraged they are (at the opposition, the other guys) — is having some morals to be outraged in the first place.

This is one of the reasons I no longer have a television — haven’t for going on a quarter century now) — and would not let one in my house for love or money.

That said, at times I still stumble across these outragees sagely and seriously discussing the world’s problems between them and holding forth on rights and wrongs as if they were absolutes that only they can see and then deign to lecture us about.

There is something about the oozing self-importance of these morally outraged talking heads that rubs me so the wrong way; and since we have long since left the non-partisan, objective exchange of views behind — 21st Century roadkill as it were — there is nothing to be gained from paying even the slightest bit of attention to them.

We know, based on the known branding of the television or radio network — whether left, right, far left, far right, or of the exceptionally rare objective middle — what…



Ulf Wolf
Age of Empathy

Raised by trolls in northern Sweden, now settled on the California coast a stone’s throw south of the Oregon border. Here I meditate and write. Wolfstuff.com.