Adopting Compassion: The Life-Changing Impact of Helping the Homeless

Edwin J. Gasque
Age of Empathy
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2023


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Life has a mysterious way of presenting us with transformative moments that alter the course of our journey. For me, such a moment unfolded one chilly winter evening when I decided to extend a helping hand to a homeless man, an act of kindness that opened my heart to the power of empathy and the profound impact we can make in someone else’s life.

It was a bitterly cold night, and the city streets were empty except for a few silhouettes of individuals seeking shelter from the biting wind. As I hurriedly made my way to the warmth and comfort of my home, I spotted a man huddled under a tattered blanket, his eyes conveying a sense of vulnerability and despair that struck a chord deep within me.

Though my initial instinct was to ignore him and carry on with my evening, something compelled me to pause and reassess my priorities. I couldn’t shake the thought of that man spending the night in the unforgiving cold, while I was fortunate enough to have a safe haven to return to. In that moment, my heart led the way, and I approached him with a hot cup of coffee and a modest amount of money.

As I handed the offerings to the homeless man, his eyes lit up with gratitude and disbelief. He thanked me profusely, and in that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of connection and shared humanity. It was as if our roles had momentarily reversed, with him giving me a gift — a profound lesson in compassion and humility.

That night, as I lay in the comfort of my bed, I couldn’t shake the weight of the encounter from my mind. The significant disparity between my position of privilege and his adversity struck me, as did the realization that life’s circumstances could have easily placed me in his shoes. This newfound perspective ignited a fire within me, urging me to be more than a passerby with occasional acts of charity. I knew that I had to embrace a deeper commitment to help those less fortunate regularly.

Thus began my journey of regularly assisting the homeless in any way I could. I sought out local organizations that supported the unhoused, donating time, money, and resources to aid their cause. Volunteering at shelters and participating in outreach programs opened my eyes to the unique challenges faced by these individuals, each with a story deserving of empathy, not judgment.

Photo by Matt Collamer on Unsplash

As I engaged with the homeless community, I learned that beyond the immediate needs of food and shelter, there was a thirst for genuine human connection. By offering a warm smile, kind words, or simply taking the time to listen to their stories, I realized that I could make a significant impact on their emotional well-being.

Through these experiences, I learned that empathy and compassion were not mere sentiments; they were transformative powers capable of breaking down barriers and fostering hope. The bonds I formed with the homeless community revealed that we were not strangers from different worlds, but rather fellow travelers exploring the unpredictable currents of life.

Giving more to the homeless regularly became a purpose that filled my life with meaning and fulfillment. It was a ripple effect of kindness, touching not only those I sought to assist but also resonating within me, enriching my own existence in ways I could never have imagined.

In the end, what began as a single act of kindness became a profound lesson in empathy, compassion, and the true essence of humanity. My encounters with the homeless reminded me that we are all connected, that our stories intertwine in the grand tapestry of life, and that each life is worthy of respect and dignity. Embracing compassion has not only helped the homeless but has also enriched my soul, urging me to continue this journey of empathy and kindness for as long as I live.



Edwin J. Gasque
Age of Empathy

"Two steps forward to every one step back..." -P.W. Making dreams a reality. That is why I have started an account on medium.