Age of Empathy News: April 2024 Edition

Of pub crawls and women’s month…

Sally Prag
Age of Empathy
Published in
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5 min readApr 1, 2024


Ye olde Age of Empathy pub. Image created on Canva.

Why did the banana go to the doctor?

It wasn’t peeling well.

Boom boom!

Why don’t eggs tell jokes?

They’d crack each other up!


What did one egg say to the other on April 1?

Heard any good yolks today?

It’s getting a bit eggy around here.

What do you get when Sally writes a newsletter on April Fool’s Day?

A bunch of stupid jokes to wade through before you get to the interesting bits.

Sorry not sorry!

Just keep me away from writing on April 1st in future, okay? And let’s face it, I’m a rubbish prankster so I’ve made you guys into my victims for the day.

(The best April Fools joke I ever played is still the one where I taped the receiver hold down on the house phone and the phone kept ringing when my dad tried to answer it. Anyone remember household phones with receiver holds? That gives you a clue as to how long ago my best April Fool’s joke took place!)



Sally Prag
Age of Empathy

Wilfully niche-less, playfully word-weaving. Rethinking life through my words. Sometimes too seriously, sometimes not seriously enough.