An April’s Fool Wake-Up Call

How A Heart Attack Changed Everything

Carrie Ann Golden
Age of Empathy
2 min readMay 14, 2023


Image via Pixabay

On April 1st I woke up like I did every other morning. Only this one was different.

Crushing pain radiated through my chest and down my arms.

What the heck?

At first, I thought I somehow slept wrong so I sat down to see if the pain would subside.

When it didn’t, I knew I was in trouble.

This was no April’s fool — I was having a heart attack.

My husband rushed me to the ER where it was revealed I had two blocked arteries. One of the arteries, the left coronary one — was nearly completely blocked. A complete blockage meant I’d have a 25% survival rate so I was rushed into surgery and two stents were successfully placed.

After nearly two days in the hospital, I was discharged.

Since then, my life’s separated into two parts:

Life before the heart attack, and life afterward.

I’ve had traumatic events in the past that changed the trajectory of my life — but, nothing like this.

Knowing that I could have easily died on April 1st has changed my entire outlook on life.

I knew life was short — but this was a stark slap in the face to wake me up to the fact that yes, a human life lasts only but a moment in reality.

I’m a Christian and before the heart attack, I didn’t live a very Christian-like life. This meant I took everything for granted. That I’d wake up each morning, do my own things, and go to bed each night. It never truly dawned on me that any given day might well be my last.

Was I ready to die? To move on to the next life after this one?

I had to face the truth that no, I was not ready.

Not in the least!

This has caused me to re-evaluate everything and the realization hit me as to how much time was wasted on things that didn’t truly matter.

So, I’ve been making changes.

Each morning, I now wake grateful to see another day for it’s another day with my family. Another day to find ways to impact others’ lives.

It’s been over a month since that fateful day and I have to admit I am still processing what had happened. But a particular childhood prayer keeps popping into my mind that has taken on a new meaning:

Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray thee, Lord, my soul to keep; See me safely through the night, And wake me with the morning’s light.



Carrie Ann Golden
Age of Empathy

Adirondack native writer & poet living in North Dakota. Introspector. Scrutinizer. What you see isn't always what's really there.