An Old Flame Got Back in Touch and It Revealed Some Powerful Lessons

After practically ghosting me four years ago, a message appeared out of the blue

Sally Prag
Age of Empathy


Image created with Canva Magic Studio.

Tinder’s algorithm is mighty efficient, as I found out recently.

It figures out who in your local area is looking for love and puts you on their radar.

Now, for the most part, I keep my profile ‘card’ hidden. I’m very much in two minds about using a dating app because I find the whole thing weird. I have never been able to come at love and relationships through some contrived means of putting singles together. I believe I’m probably what is referred to as demisexual because I need to get to know someone at least a little — at least have been in their physical presence — before I can even consider giving them any signal that I may be willing to as much as hold their hand or put my lips close to theirs.

I also figure the relationships that won’t be wasteful of my severely limited resources of time and energy are the ones that form naturally, whether in real life or through online interaction, and it’s worth simply trusting in that. Perhaps naïve of me or perhaps not, I’m willing to give the universe a chance.

But, on a recent trip to visit my mum in Oxford, where I went to school, for the sake of…



Sally Prag
Age of Empathy

Wilfully niche-less, playfully word-weaving. Rethinking life through my words. Sometimes too seriously, sometimes not seriously enough.