Aunties and Grannies of the World UNITE

Time to spread our wings and shelter the daughters, granddaughters, and everyone.

Jean Bay Wiley
Age of Empathy


Photo by Dynamic Wang on Unsplash

SCOTUS is corrupted beyond recognition and has self-destructed. Unfortunately, it is taking the nation along with it, by trying to subjugate 51% of the population. It will be coming for everyone else very soon.

Make no mistake. Thomas and Cornyn have already publicly stated that next on the firing lines will be our rights to obtain contraception methods and medications, LGBTQ+ rights, like the right to marry the person you love, scrutiny of same-sex relationships perhaps including enforcing sodomy criminal laws. In other words, complete invasion of the privacy of the bedrooms of American citizens.

And Cornyn wants obliteration of the civil rights of people of color and the reversal of desegregation of our public schools.

Already SCOTUS has made a ruling that destroys the vital concept of Separation of Church and State. They have ruled that states must use public taxpayers’ monies to fund private religious education. Really? REALLY? Isn’t Freedom of Religion, which requires that the State stay out of religious matters without exception, valid any longer? Isn’t this why our country was founded in the first place?

Time for First Amendment action big time. We are not yelling FIRE, but, um, yes. We are yelling FIRE! FIRE! Time for a two million-plus-one Women’s March on Washington D.C. and every state capital. Dust off those pink Pussy Hats. Men, no reason you can’t wear pink hats too. Real men support their women in every possible way.

Photo by roya ann miller on Unsplash

Time for a general strike to stop commerce and the country cold. Study how they did it in Iceland (Women’s Day Out) and how the indigenous people are doing it in Ecuador.

If you are physically unable to take back our streets then figure out ways you can help the cause. Find places to give your money, first to help other women in crisis, and second to help elect Democrats who will actually stand to protect all our rights (not just women’s rights). Work to help Get Out The Vote by registering young voters and those who have never voted before. Help those who need help to apply for absentee ballots. Give rides to polling places.

Tell personal stories. Educate the voters and women who have not paid enough attention, who are not aware of the dangers to women and girls this ruling creates. Encourage, encourage, encourage. Emphasize the power of the vote.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Remind them there is no greater personal liberty than control of your own health care, your own bodies, and your own privacy. Remind them of the cruelty behind the draconian laws that are being rushed into the books in far too many states in what is supposed to be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

Be Brave. Stand United. Become the bundle of sticks that cannot be broken. Time to resurrect Sisterhood in a huge way.

Sisterhood. Every day, every way. In grocery stores where we can lend a hand whether with a tantrum-throwing little one, reaching a high shelf for another woman, or paying for some or all of her groceries. Then remind her to vote blue in November and bring a plus one with her to the polls.

It is time to channel rage into self-righteous anger seeking justice.

Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash

So go. Spread the word. Stand shoulder to shoulder with your Sisters. Fight the righteous fight, Make GOOD TROUBLE and do it all in the spirit of Susan B. Anthony, Rosa Parks, John Lewis, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King.

And oh yeah, invite the allies in, the men who actually appreciate and love us. They are standing ready. We can use their help and their votes.

Be kind, be peaceful, and help your Sister up when she is knocked down, or knocked up. Lock arms and stand together.

Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

Do not go gentle (or silent) into that good night. We rise up together.



Jean Bay Wiley
Age of Empathy

Still writing after all these years. Practicing gratitude and noticing beauty. In loving support of all LGBTQIA+ human beings, my pronouns are she/her