But What About the Cat?

Let’s put the focus where it belongs

Tiffany Norman
Age of Empathy


Photo by Manja Vitolic on Unsplash

Last night I saw the movie, “A Quiet Place, Day One.” Like half of the patrons exiting the theater, I was commenting on one thing — the cat. It was an hour and forty minutes of suspense and the coup de grâce was putting a fluffy, black and white cat in a supporting role.

No spoilers here but it put me in a contemplative state for the ride home, ending in an immediate need to write. And hug my cat.

The edge-of-your-seat concern for the oscar-worthy animal reminded me of a comment from a sweet man several months ago.

He was responding to a story I had written about the grief process and everything that went into wrapping up my mother’s life. His focus was similar to the movie goer’s last night —

I’m so sorry for your loss, but…may I ask what happened to her cats?

Best comment to date.

I get it, maybe we cat people are all alike, our hearts bleed if we see a precious fur-baby suffering, — and by suffering I mean, they had to wait an extra hour for their dinner or the sun moved and now they aren’t in the warm spot.

Every memory has a cat

My mom hand-raised several kittens, adopted many cats, and once agreed to care for a cat…



Tiffany Norman
Age of Empathy

I am an empath and a comic. These come out in the unique stories of my life. You'll laugh, cry, or gain a nugget of wisdom.