Calling All Mythologists

Fargo Kantrowitz
Age of Empathy
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2022

the power of democracy

Katherine Gianaclis “Elysia” (Author’s image)

Don’t let ’em scare you. The red folks believe they are right and they’re saying yeah. But they are you and you are me—no different. Nothing different between American brothers and sisters and never let anybody ever say to you that there is no power in true Democracy. Nothing, in fact, ever, has defeated it. Calling all mythologists.

Democratically strong. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. The American Way. The Eagle. Pontiac. Life before Donald Trump.

Their games are so this way and that and Bannon goes for the jugular like any good vampire would, but he doesn’t matter, such sharp thinking matters not for he knows not our curve. Calling all mythologists.

You stand here and ask us to bow to you, you fifty-nine-year-old strong, macho man afraid, afraid of losing your youth. You will give no part of your world away. There will be no you for you if there is no me for me. Such despair is unthinkable.

We feel for you and that does not make us weak. My shoulder is strong, my will divine, in league with Christ’s. We are to treat our brothers and sisters in the same way, with love. That’s it. Any derivation needs to be examined. Calling all mythologists.

You will go low and we will still go higher just like Michelle Obama said. Why? Because you’re going up against the United States of America.

I respect you because I know you. I have met you a thousand times. You’re in my family. You’re my brother. You’re my roommate from college. You’re one of my many friends, good ones in certain cases, too.

We are respectful always of your well-being. Liberals, me, we love you. We want you to be happy and we will sacrifice or work together in a “socially—democratic” way.

It’s not communism, anyone over 21 knows that, but social democracy. That is, being willing to invest in certain ways with your taxes so that you don’t have to lay down money on health care and home and whatever.

So, for example, if you have health care for all people…true, if you are in the insurance business you might be dinged a little, perhaps not.

Ah, the idea of freezing people out of their jobs makes others feel cold and uncomfortable and wonder why do we have to rock the boat while my job supplies good enough health care. And why do they get free stuff and we don’t, and all these new people and…

…because there are other people whose jobs do not supply health insurance. We are just allowing health care to be on the same level as fire protection, libraries, the police department, you name it.

It’s easier and, ultimately, they say, cheaper to the United States, and therefore, I imagine, that means cheaper for you! Full coverage! Think of it, for far less, but taken through taxes. Okay! Calling all mythologists.

We are strong. We are very strong. We are people who have had to align with a political party because we were born into this stupid system that the founding fathers didn’t even want, but got, as did we.

We stand now then, thank you very much, inside of what they call the Democratic Party, based on the concept of democracy which has never been defeated over time by anyone ever.

Now, we’ve got a good thing going here in the United States: Love, Peace, and the American Way. I love apple pie. But you know what? They’re messing with the gears and they’re acting like it’s a game.

Well, you don’t play “games” with democracy.

You don’t “capture” democracy for she simply spills out among everybody just as water always does. She is fluid and she is America. She is strong. Democracy. Align yourself with her and you will be protected for life and that is the United States of America.

Pity the pitiful fool who dares try to tackle her.



Fargo Kantrowitz
Age of Empathy

post-modern. definitely post-hip. am here because i follow joel stein. been writing since the age of 15 (somewhat) seriously although i made my friends laugh in