Church Can’t Save You Any Better Than A Beach Can

I have nothing against God. It’s his fan club that doesn’t work for me.

Kristi Keller
Age of Empathy


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I live within blocks of two community churches. On Sundays, when church service is letting out, I see all the men and women dressed in their Sunday best.

I can tell they feel uplifted and ready to face another week of life fully devoted to their “higher up.”

But are they?

Are some of them just going through the motions because they think it’s the right thing to do? I suspect many attend church for that reason alone, which is not a bad reason to go.

I once heard this quote:

“I’d rather live life thinking there is a God and find out there isn’t, than live thinking there isn’t a God and find out there is.”

I feel like that’s an awfully fear-driven way of thinking.

I never felt much love in the church.

I was raised in a Catholic household and went to church out of obligation as a child and teenager. My mom made us go with her every Sunday.



Kristi Keller
Age of Empathy

Write like no one is reading, because it might be true. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story.