Dear Writers, I’m Head Over Heels For You — Let’s Get *Engaged*!

Age of Empathy prompt inspired by Melissa Bee

Aimée Brown Gramblin
Age of Empathy
4 min readNov 5, 2020


Dear Writers, I’m Head Over Heels For You — Let’s Get *Engaged*! by Aimée Gramblin in Age of Empathy on Medium.
Photo by Dana Luig on Unsplash

Melissa Bee, co-editor of Age of Empathy, and ROCK STAR of her own right, started an innovative writing prompt for Medium writers who enjoy the connection part of this community. Ahem, Michael Burg, MD — there is community engagement on the platform. See article below.

But, I digress. Melissa prompted the prompt with her own story laying out the prompt. Please read this. And, then engage. It’s fun. 🐶

Without further ado, I’m introducing these 10 writers who I’ve come to admire over the last six months. Bookmark this baby and come back for good reading from time to time or binge it all at once — your choice. There’s bite-sized minute chunks all the way up to a 10-minute read. They’re all very good. I highly recommend following all of these writers if you don’t already. They won’t disappoint.

Adriana Sim writes about mental health and nature. We have a lot in common even though we live miles apart. Adriana is in Romania and I’m in the United States. The international flair to Medium is unbeatable!

Adriana processes a breakup through the lens of nature. (5-Minute Read)

Anna da Silva is an ex war reporter and environmentalist who lives in the UK. She has fascinating insights into the world we live in.

This essay is about the importance of the earth as seen through her puppy’s (and Anna’s) eyes during the pandemic. Beautiful photographs included. (9-Minute Read)

Ashley Broadwater is a United States based writer who offers practical advice for writing, mental health, and relationships.

This practical article gives writers leads on writing off this platform. I’d totally forgotten about B*tch Magazine!(4-minute read)

Erika Burkhalter is a United States based writer, an amazing nature photographer, poet, and poetic essayist with deep soul reflections.

In this essay, Erika takes us into a beautiful grove of Aspen trees changing throughout the seasons, with beautiful photographs. She’s enchanted by the aspen grove, which is actually one organism, and she reflects on how the universe has a similar one-ness. (6-minute read)

Lucy The Eggcademic (she/her) is a Canada based writer. She writes poetry, essays, recipes, and more. She runs a publication called The Brain is a Noodle. Check it out.

I love snowflakes. So happy to share this poem of Lucy’s — an ode to snowflakes and memories. (1-minute read)

Melissa Bee is a United States based writer. She writes poetry, fiction, inspirational and organizational essays. She can do pretty much anything.

This poetic, delicious short story ode to the sun will have you craving bright rays. (3-minute read)

Michael Burg, MD Dr. Mike (Do not call him that — he prefers Michael) is a satire, medical, life-reflection, travel…writer currently based in the United States. He’s very multi-niche, like most writers on this list.

This essay conveys Michael’s excitement for the wondrousness of our ordinary lives. He reminds us of the importance of practicing gratitude daily. It’s an inspiring read. (6-minute read)

Remington Write is a United States author who writes gritty, down-to-earth personal essays, opinion, and fiction.

This personal essay recounts the time a baby kitten took her hostage. Photos, humor, and fuzzy felines included. (6-minute read)

Sarah Paris is a United States based writer. She is a humorist and writer of personal essays and fiction.

Sarah gifts us a tender, heart-filled, reverent essay about her brother Matt’s sudden death and her journey through fresh grief. (7-minute read)

Tracy Luk is a Japan based writer originally from Canada. She writes inspiration, relationship and personal essay.

This lesson in the psychology of love — romantic gestures aren’t how everyone expresses devotion. Tracy shows us how individuals in relationships often speak different love languages — and, can still communicate and be compatible — when they take the time to listen to each other. (10-minute read)

There are many more writers on Medium who I read, respect, and admire. This is just my first engagement list.

Now, which writers are you going to propose to?

For now…That’s all folks! 🐣



Aimée Brown Gramblin
Age of Empathy

Age of Empathy founder. Creativity Fiend. Writer, Editor, Poet: life is art. Nature, Mental Health, Psychology, Art. Audio: