Do I Have Long COVID?

What is wrong with me….

KiKi Walter
Age of Empathy
Published in
4 min readMar 13, 2023


AI altered image of me by Christopher Robin

November 2021.

November 2021. That’s when the worst of it noticeably began to happen. It’s still crippling my life and I’m trying everything I can to keep it at bay. Gentle exercises, bioenergetic therapy, walking with a cane when I need to….

I’ve written about this before. I try to keep my body pain to myself — nobody likes a complainer. It’s hard not to when it takes over your world.

Previously, I wrote about how I was trying to figure out if I had multiple sclerosis or dementia. I received a ton of comments on that piece with two theories that kept popping up: Lyme disease and long COVID.

I’ll be completely honest — I had my money on MS being the culprit with lupus as a runner-up. Dementia is honestly too hard to think about, especially at my age, and it doesn’t seem to run in my family as far as I know. I kind of chalked up my memory and cognitive issues to whatever undiagnosed issue that was causing my severe neurological symptoms.

Before I continue, I’d just like to state the probably obvious: I am not a doctor of any kind or any kind of health practitioner.

Let’s Review My Symptoms



KiKi Walter
Age of Empathy

AKA "The Memoir Queen." Ki is the founder & publisher of The Memoirist, Age of Empathy, Black Bear, and more.