Embracing the Wonder of Guilt-Free Pleasures

We need more time to enjoy what brings us joy

Carmen Ballesteros
Age of Empathy


The perfect background for a perfect day. Photo by the author

It’s the morning of the first of January, and I for once decided not to do anything.

Nothing at all.

As a morning person, I usually don’t need an alarm clock. Early birds have a powerful inner timer waking us up at the time we need.

But today, I woke up at 10:30 am with a huge smile. I don’t drink much alcohol, so I feel great, but I have a different kind of hangover. An emotional one.

It’s the hangover of a big celebration last night. Of a family reunion until 3 in the morning. It’s the feeling of connection and belonging around a table. And the comfort of knowing another family meal is coming in a few hours.

I could open my laptop and check my notifications. Should I write an article to start the year on the right foot? Maybe I could go for a walk. It’s another way to tell my body that this year we’ll exercise every day.

But instead, my sheets seduced me, and I let myself be free in that soft trap. I take the novel from the bedside table and open it while a thought crosses my mind, am I brave enough to read for pleasure in broad daylight?

Today I am.



Carmen Ballesteros
Age of Empathy

Anthropologist, traveler and entrepreneurs coach. Serial optimist. Editor of https://medium.com/boarding-pass-to-the-world (where travelers & cultures connect)