Growing Apart

When a long-distance relationship founders

Priya Sridhar
Age of Empathy


Kelly Sikkema, Unsplash

We were bad for each other. Let’s get that out of the way. I don’t regret our time together, but I regret believing in true love for so long.

I should have known constant critiquing is not love, but I was young and naive and liked arguing. As in, I liked the arguments that led to engaging discussions and understanding the other person’s perspectives. I did not realize such words could destroy you when the other person used them as a weapon, rather than a tool. Many people have destroyed me over and over again, and you were one of them.

Our first exchange was a disagreement. I hadn’t realized it was a bad sign because I appreciated any response. You paid attention to something I put out there in the Internet void. I thought it meant that you also saw me. When you said that you loved me, I considered what I had to lose.

At the time? Nothing. And yes, I admit that I was naive. I didn’t love you at first, but I grew to love you, to take the leap. Love at the time felt real, fizzy and bubbly.

At first, I brushed off the constant critiquing because I thought it was fun to disagree. You disliked a popular author for demeaning Stephanie Meyer. I believed the popular author was making an opinion based on the established facts and prose. Vegemite is too…



Priya Sridhar
Age of Empathy

A 2016 MBA graduate and published author, Priya Sridhar has been writing fantasy and science fiction for fifteen years, and counting.