Let’s Get Engaged! — Part I

Writer favorites — their own

Melissa Bee
Age of Empathy


It’s no secret that us writers read — a lot. Since my time on Medium, I have had the pleasure of reading countless high-quality pieces of work. While there is an absolute joy in reading, connecting with the humans behind the stories is invaluable.

As the reading is destined to continue, I figured it would be great to highlight some engaged writers and share their work with you.

Here’s the catch, these stories are favorites of their own. What better way to connect with a writer on another level? Now you have a writer’s favorite story that they have written and know they are engaging humans!

If you dig their story, you can reach out and build a relationship with them by engaging with one another through your writings. You can connect with that writer and their work all the time.

From a good laugh to writing advice, encouragement, forming friendships, and personal bonds, connecting with other writers is super beneficial.

Highly engaged writers make for a thrilling reading experience!

The inspiration

I remember when I started writing on Medium in March of this year. Finding engaging writers on Medium and in Facebook groups…



Melissa Bee
Age of Empathy

Sweet Stinging 💛 Empathy, love, and gratitude is STILL life.