Gender Roles | Harrison Butker | Feminism

Homemakers: Regressive Traditionalists or Radical Feminists?

Don’t be a man who exploits them, and don’t be a woman who dogs them.

Melissa Corrigan
Age of Empathy
Published in
15 min readMay 20, 2024


Photo provided by Benedictine College and edited by author.

Another week, another scandal.

Some man said something that many people found offensive, or said it in a place and way that was deemed offensive, and now The Internet is at it again: men vs. women. ‘Conservative’ vs. ‘liberal.’ US vs THEM.

You’re wrong. I’m right! Let there never be any middle ground!

We must all conform!

The facts…

Now what I’m about to say is bound to offend someone. Because that’s the way it is nowadays: if I don’t fully and completely agree with you in every possible context, nuance, and situation, we must fight to the death in the comments section.

I support homemakers. I am a homemaker. I believe it was the best decision for our family at the time we made it, and I still believe it’s the best decision. I think having one parent, of either gender, at home with infants, toddlers, and young children is an ideal environment for those children to grow and thrive. I wish more parents could make this decision for their families, and I am consistently frustrated…



Melissa Corrigan
Age of Empathy

55+x Boosted Writer. Mother, partner, survivor, adoptee, veteran, entrepreneur, friend, ally, & flawed human. I seek enlightenment & growth daily.