How to Find Genuine Connections in the Modern World

We have to look at how we see the world and how we see others around us

Matthew Prince
Age of Empathy


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

One of the basic human needs is a social need. We need to feel love and a sense of belonging. With the ever-changing social behavior and social structure, building a genuine connection is becoming an uphill climb. And the deficiency of social need comes with a consequence, as it is with all fundamental human needs.

Once upon a time, we all lived with our families and extended families. Before industrialization, most means of livelihood required great labor. For this reason, parents typically gave birth to many children. They expected these children to help in farm labor or other labor as practiced by the parents. And they did many of these activities in groups.

Communities were genuine communities. People who lived together in a locality were well familiar with each other. They had a common heritage and shared most things. Love and trust were easy to cultivate in such a settlement. These were the times the community raised the child. Everywhere you turned to, there was someone to talk to and not just someone to talk to, but also someone you could trust.

As civilization, industrialization, and capitalism advanced, the story has changed, and data shows it is…



Matthew Prince
Age of Empathy

I am a writer who is trying to understand the world. I write on philosophy, psychology, social justice, and everything else. For more info: