I Didn’t Expect My Ex To Move On So Quickly With Someone New

It felt like having my heart broken all over again

Yana Bostongirl
Age of Empathy


woman by the beautiful lake at sunrise

I wish I could say when I decided a divorce was the only way out of a situation that had run out of all nine lives and second chances, that I was over my ex.

I wasn’t.

But I had to plow forward with it or resign myself to getting wreaked, emotionally and mentally on a daily basis.

I also wish I could say I have stopped loving him despite what happened. But the truth is, I still retained feelings for him in a little alcove of my mind despite what he put me through.

The way each of us perceives love is certainly complicated indeed.

Some may label this codependency or signs of a toxic relationship, but my response would be how can you just up and forget your first love just like that? How can you discard the memories of the good times you once shared, how he took care of you when you were sick, how he taught you driving and patiently took you to drive tests despite running down the front cones and back cones 3 times in a row while trying to parallel park due to a sudden attack of nerves?

I still don’t get how it is easy for some people to move on without seemingly a second thought while others spend months if…



Yana Bostongirl
Age of Empathy

My life + relationships + writing journey → my blogs (a memoir in motion)| Boosted Writer| 🌸Substack: Yana's World 👇 https://yanabostongirl.substack.com/