I Went on My First First Date in Over Six Years

(I’m not actually sure it was a date.)

Dana DuBois
Age of Empathy


A couple sits at the end of a peer, with midnight blue skies around them.
Photo by Korney Violin on Unsplash

Was it a date?

It’s been a strange few months for me, relationship-wise.

I left a six-year relationship over the summer. We had a really good thing for a really long time, too long, perhaps. The relationship was an odd paradox of steadfast support, underlying mistrust, and a sense of space — both literal and metaphorical — that made the contradictions okay. It left my heart a bit hungry for more.

By fall I fell foolishly hard for someone I only knew online. It was swift and intense and I was giddy — we were giddy — for a hot second. But then he bolted, spooked by the intensity of our connection or by how hung up he was on his ex-wife, or some murky soup of the two. It stung.

Both situations have come with fallout, and my head and heart are reeling.

Seems like a great time to ask a Facebook friend out on a date, yes?

I didn’t mean to do it.

I was on Facebook just minding my own business, messaging with a friend, when I noticed his conversation bubble at the top of my chats. I have no idea why, as we hadn’t messaged in over a year, but there he was, with a message on his bubble that read “just keep…



Dana DuBois
Age of Empathy

Publisher for Pink Hair & Pronouns and Three Imaginary Girls. Boost nominator. I'm a GenX word nerd living in the PNW with a whole lot of little words to share.