I’m Blind. I’ll Always Win At Chicken

They never see just how good I am at it.

Ira Robinson
Age of Empathy


Painting by author (Ira Robinson)

In my decade and a half of dealing with going through this world as a blind guy, there’s an interesting thing I’ve discovered.

People don’t really see those who can’t see.

It very well could just be my own, limited experiences with the phenomenon, but it seems most folks just don’t recognize they’re dealing with a blind person as they pass them on the streets.

Even when we cart around our “blind canes” or have our doggos with us, the number of times we get bounced into, jostled, rammed, and more is astounding.

A recent example for me comes from an incident at the ever-wondrous Walmart, and my solo expedition to search for something for my wife.

You see, she had been going through recovery from major heart surgery, and we were trying our best to avoid exposure to COVID and the nightmare that could bring to our lives. Needing to have something over-the-counter to help her get through, we traipsed our way to the parking lot, and I had to shuffle inside on my own to help her reduce risk of catching something nasty.

Now, normally she doesn’t leave me to my own devices, especially in a place I am unfamiliar with. But, needs must as they will, and so I was determined…



Ira Robinson
Age of Empathy

Published author of over a dozen books and dozens of short stories, Digital painter, and streamer, and blind. Contact me at ira@originalworlds.com