I’m Going “Mansober” for March

Taking a dating break by taking “Boysober” up a notch.

Dana DuBois
Age of Empathy


Black and white photo of a woman in bed, all dressed up holding a glass of wine.
Cheers to going boysober/mansober! Photo by Карина Каржавина on Pexel

Are you familiar with the term “Boysober?”

I wasn’t, until I was listening to this week’s Savage Love podcast at the gym. Host Dan Savage brought on his guest, comedian Hope Woodard. She’s created a social media stir by coining the term “Boysober” to describe her current dating status. Simply put, she’s taking a year-long break from all things dating — including sex.

I found the conversation fascinating.

Woodard loathes the term celibate, as she associates it with the misguided values of her religious upbringing. She’s long considered herself sex-positive and has had “loads of sex” in her life. So she’s rebranding the concept of opting out of sex by defining her own terms around how it’s done. She’s Boysober for 2024. And for good reason.

“I was angry at all the sex I’ve had that I didn’t get to choose,” she stated.

To paraphrase the podcast, Woodard came to a realization that while she’s consented to all the sex she had, she now understands it wasn’t coming from a healthy place and wasn’t aligned with her wants, and it wasn’t making her feel good. So she’s taking a break to regroup — and she’s bonding with other women on similar journeys by…



Dana DuBois
Age of Empathy

Publisher for Pink Hair & Pronouns and Three Imaginary Girls. Boost nominator. I'm a GenX word nerd living in the PNW with a whole lot of little words to share.