I’m Ruthlessly Fighting for Answers to My Chronic Pain
Meanwhile, some doctors can’t be bothered to follow through when they say they will
Two weeks ago, I had an appointment with a specialist I’ve been waiting to see for nearly three months. I live in a rural community in eastern Oregon, and going to see a specialist of any kind requires you to travel.
This visit wasn’t terribly far — only two hours away — but I still feared making the trek alone. I’ve been battling deep gluteal pain, hip pain, sciatic-like symptoms, and low back issues for the past five months, and sitting makes my symptoms the worst.
Being in the car, especially, is miserable.
If you pay close attention, you’ll notice very few cars are ergonomically friendly. Most oppose healthy joint alignment and good posture.
Long drives hurt our bodies because we are sitting in bucket seats with our knees above our hips, a rounded spine, and elevated shoulders.
I never realized this before, but being in so much pain has forced me to focus on the quality of seating. In a restaurant, waiting room, or my friend’s houses, I will seek the chair with the firmest surface and flattest back.