Is Waiting Keeping You from Living your Life?

Beware the ‘maybe’ or ‘someday’ — both are a no disguised as a yes

lisa Schmidt
Age of Empathy


Photo by Vince Veras on Unsplash

Ask yourself, right now: What am I waiting for?

Is it the end of your workday? The end-of-month cocktail to ‘celebrate’ putting a big project to bed? Your next promotion? Or maybe that weekend getaway you’ve put off yet again?

Perhaps you’re waiting for your kids to move out and get on with their lives so you can finally write that book — or even just read a book. Or you’re waiting for retirement so you can see the northern lights or learn to surf. ‘Maybe someday’ is what you tell your significant other when they suggest a holiday lasting more than a week.

Is it possible you’re waiting for the moment when you’ll have enough, know enough and be enough so you can do what you really want to do and be who you really are? Perhaps you’re like one woman I met recently who isn’t sure what she’s waiting for — only that when it arrives, she’ll know it.

My guess is that like many of us, you’re waiting to feel ready, less scared or more confident. Then again, maybe you don’t fully know what you’re waiting for but until whatever it is arrives, you’re staying put.

I get it. I once waited three years before finally leaving a job that left me…



lisa Schmidt
Age of Empathy

Writer, professional coach and catalyst of creativity, change & learning. Find me: or